Black is not negative

When asked about the view of the black colour, some say it is cool while some will vote against it. In the society, some terrorist groups and cult groups use the black colour as their means of identification. They make their uniforms and flags using black. However, in the real sense, black colour doesn't necessarily mean negative things. Moreover, any kind of colour can be used by bad people. Now onto the issues surrounding the black race. The black race is just like any other race of the world. All races have their own negativity. Moreover, life is made up of good and bad, that makes it normal to have the bad ones amongst us. We tend to prioritize the atrocities committed by people of the black race more than their immense positive achievements. There are notable things done by the Black people. So before you think of abusing the rights of black people, you should remember these great achievements: In Politics Nelson Mandela was a great man of integrity and a figure p...