If Corona Virus Was WW3 , Which Country Pioneered it?

   Looking at the above title , a lot of thinking would have started running through one's mind. But at this stage, everything connected to the origin of this virus is still a controversy.
   In contrast to other precedent world wars, WW1 used humans as combatants, WW2 was the same too. Also in these two aforementioned wars, the major enemies were known. Using these two features, can we actually call this Corona virus global outbreak a  World War 3 (WW3)?.
    It is true that there are bioweapons that can be used in wars. Can we actually call this virus a bio weapon? If it is , who are the Pioneers?

        Currently as it stands , the whole world is looking at China for a tangible answer. The Chinese government isn't claiming responsibility for the virus, instead it is pointing accusing finger at the the US government. Recently, the spokes person for the Chinese Ministry  for Foreign Affairs , Zhao Lijian , accused the military of the United States to have brought the virus to China. If we could recollect, there was a World  Military Games that was hosted in Wuhan , China in 2019. Zhao Lijian claimed the virus was brought into Wuhan during this period. The President of the United States also called the virus a "Chinese virus". Is this a form of blame shifting between these two countries?
   Earlier, the Iranian government had made similar allegations that the United States was responsible for spreading the virus to them. From a perspective, China and Iran are the United States antagonists and their allegations may be true. But the story becomes more confusing because Italy is mostly hit by the virus and Italy is the United States NATO ally. 
   Moreover, China isn't clean, as the Israeli also blamed the virus on them. There have been leaked messages on WhatsApp stating the activities of the Chinese government in creating the virus as a means of controlling its protesting citizens but with the results deviating from what they had actually planned. 
     I think all the countries involved in the creation of bioweapons have something to explain concerning this virus. Humans are not materials for scientific experiments.  They should stop treating us as laboratory rats and come out with  tangible explanations. They all owe the world explanations.


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