Life After Corona Virus

    Though the Corona virus cases are increasing in number everyday, I can see the world overcoming the Pandemic. These are my views about life after the Corona virus:

  1.  A RACISM free world: After these global outbreaks of Corona virus, I believe the level of racisms will reduce drastically if not totally removed. This is because the Corona virus has brought about solidarity amongst people all over the world irrespective of the race. Ideas are being shared on how to eradicate the virus. This practice I think will continue after defeating the virus.

 2 .  A Better government in Nigeria: With recent cases of Corona virus infections amongst top guns in the Nigerian politics, intense fears have originated amongst top officials of government in Nigeria. I think this will make the government officials more fearful of God's wrath and be more sincere in carrying out their responsibilities. 
 3.   A bio weapon free world: After this pandemic, I believe all the countries involved with the development of bio weapons will be brought under close check because this virus is being controverted as a bio weapon too.
 4. A more hygienic world: Everyone has been given a personal responsibility of cleaning themselves up thoroughly during this period. This practice I think will continue to exist even after the Corona virus. This will lead to reduced cases of natural diseases such as malaria, typhoid etc.

  All I see after these global outbreaks of Corona virus is positivity. Corona virus may appear awful but it can be the best revolution to have ever happened to this world...             
                          Official Abdulsalam Olusola


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