The Ovazimba and Ovahimba tribes of Namibia

     The African Planet could be termed a planet of "awe" as many peculiar things are attached to it. Ranging from ancient structures to histories and so on. This research about the African planet has brought another item of attraction, which is, the Ovahimba and Ovazimba tribes of Namibia.

      The Ovazimba and Ovahimba tribes belong to the Omusati regions of Northern Namibia. They have a population of over 50,000. They are renowned Nomads.
         .A Himba male.
     Strange things about the tribe
   1. The wealth of a family is determined by the number of cattle the family possesses.

  2. The women take a smoke bath instead of a water bath. 

   3. At puberty, the girls are given out in marriage to men chosen by their fathers.

   4 . The women possess reddish skins. This is caused by the application of the ojitze paste on their skin. This helps to protect them from the sun and mosquito bites. The ojitze paste is a combination of butter fat, omuzumba scrub and ocher.
    .  A Himba female

  5. Above all, husbands allow their wives to sleep with visitors. When a visitor comes knocking at the door, the husband sleeps in another room or outside depending on the size of the house and allows the visitor to have sexual pleasures with his wife as a form of guest hospitality. The wife has the right to refuse sexual intercourse with the visitor but she must sleep in the same room as the visitor. This practice they say reduces jealousy and promote relationships amongst one another. The wife has the right to give her friends to her husband too. But this rarely happens.
     A very strange tribe indeed.


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