Corona Virus: Things to know.

         The Corona virus also known as Covid - 19 or SARS COV - 2 has struck the world with great fear and sadness. It has lead to the report of thousands of cases and deaths all over the world. With its source still a controversy, it was allegedly said to have originated from Wuhan , an industrial area under the Hebei province of China. China so far has recorded the highest number of cases and deaths due to Corona virus.

   Iran, Italy, The UK, France, Germany, The USA and Spain trail behind China in the number of reported cases of the virus.
   Though there is no proven cure for the virus yet , lots of precautionary measures are being released by medical bodies all over the world. These measures include washing of hands with soap and water or alcohol based hand sanitizers, social distancing , abstinence from hand shakes and hugs etc. There have been rumours surrounding the virus. Below are the answers by the WHO to rumours of things alleged to the virus.

 1. Hot bath: Different sources have been spreading the news that hot baths prevents one from contracting the virus. The WHO has proven this to be false.

 2. Garlics: Taking garlics doesn't prevent contracting the virus.

 3. Saline: Drinking saline or salty water doesn't prevent contracting the virus or cures the virus.

 4. Hand dryer: Using hand dryers doesn't kill the virus if it's on the hands.

 5. Antibiotics: The intake of antibiotics doesn't kill the virus as antibiotics kill only bacteria.

 6. Hot temperature in tropical regions: The hot temperature of tropical regions doesn't kill the virus as it affects those in tropical regions too.
 7. Mosquito bites: The virus isn't spread by mosquito bites.

   Amidst the current situation of the virus , we should patiently wait for the updates by the WHO and not jump at any conclusions yet about the virus. Washing of hands with soap and water or alcohol based hand rub should continue effectively. God's Divine intervention is also what we need right now to overcome this Pandemic.


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